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Parenthood and the Young Professional

According to the National Children’s Bureau based in London, UK, the term  “Young Parent” refers to any person aged between 13 to 25 years old, who is  expecting a baby or has a child.    

The lifelong journey through parenthood no doubt has its challenges. However,  there are several benefits in starting your family in your twenties. Some young  parents have expressed that they look forward to being physically active  grandparents. There is also a strong chance that you will have an “empty nest”  earlier on in life as well. This may hold true considering that your children will be  fully developed adults by the time you are in your forties. This is also a  period when you will still have the option to spend the rest of your time and  energy pursuing other goals and adventures.   

Here are a few guidelines which may prove to be very beneficial to your growing  family: 

  1. Let them know that your love is unconditional.

  2. Effective communication is of paramount importance.

  3. Lead a lifestyle that is worthy of emulation, ie: Be their role model.

  4. Achieve balance and consistency in discipline.

  5. Reaffirm their good behaviour.

  6. Invest quality time into your children.

  7. Understand your own shortcomings as a parent   

Chantol Prince, a young Jamaican mother of two boys, shared with us that:  “The most memorable part about being a young mom of two is to see you see  your image in them. It’s like a second chance at life. You’re able to give them all  that you wished for plus more. You’re able to grow financially because you have  to find a way to make ends meet. When you’re opening a business it’s important  to have a business plan. But these kids are like my life plan, you just cannot fail,  you have to be successful.”   

All in all, whether or not you choose to become a young parent is a completely  personal decision, and it can be the most rewarding lifetime achievement. 


Article contributed by Kiwanian Gabrielle McDowell.

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