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New Member Reflection - Latica Foote


I am a proud Kiwanian.

Being a part of the Kiwanis Club of Young Professionals, Kingston (KYPK) as one of its newest members has so far been a phenomenal experience. I have had the pleasure of meeting a myriad of people who are not only inspiring and fully committed to the Kiwanis movement but willing to uplift their fellow Kiwanians. I have stepped out of my comfort zone by participating in meetings and projects and this has allowed me to become more confident and enhance my leadership skills. I have been blessed with the opportunity to do meaningful work, to give back to the Community and to help inspire and empower children to reach their full potential.

I was a prospective member for the KYPK from October 2019 to June 2020, and during that time I attended monthly meetings, inter-clubbing with other Kiwanis groups, socials, and community projects. The meetings I find are an excellent avenue to gather information about the movement, learn about fellow members, focus on the objects of Kiwanis International and the mission of the club and definitely have fun. The projects brought my goal of volunteering and doing serviceable work to fruition. Furthermore, the club’s Bring up Grades Program (BUG) at the Norman Gardens Primary School is very rewarding! I was able to teach and interact with the children and this was especially heartwarming as I saw where it enhanced the children’s knowledge and improved their behavior and attitude. Personally, the most crucial experience to me is that feeling of ‘I did something today’; that feeling of fulfilling my purpose or just impacting a child/children.

Overall, the end product of joining KYPK is that I have grown tremendously, but above all, I am a part of a family that focuses on serving children and empowering one another. I look forward to having much more fun and serviceable experiences as I become further seasoned and cemented in KYPK.

Contributed by Kiwanian Latica Foote



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