As a part of a partnership with the Child Protection and Family Services Agency, the Kiwanis Club of Young Professionals Kingston participated in a rap session on July 25, 2020 with several boys from various children’s homes across the corporate area. This event was held under the theme "Boys to Men", a programme by the CPFSA, targeted at changing the attitudes and behaviours of young men under state care, and showing these young men that their lives are not determined by their current situation. The project was conceptualized by President Dalea Bean and planning was led by President Designate Jermaine, aimed at engaging male members of the club to act as mentors for boys in state care. Representative from the CPFSA, Robert Williams, in his opening remarks stated that this new program was designed to change the outlook and attitudes of the young men and to encourage them to pursue their goals. Mr. Williams spoke candidly about different outcomes he has seen during his time as a social worker and that all the boys had the ability to make something of themselves if they were able to focus and apply themselves. In his opening presentation to the boys, PD Jermaine Young, spoke about the potential of greatness that each boy had in them. He emphasized that the boys could all be successful if they could find what is great about them. The exciting activity asked each of the boys, 'what made them great' and the boys responded enthusiastically.
As a part of the day’s activities the boys were asked to work in small groups to discuss 3 different positive attitudes namely self-esteem, self-respect & respect for women and becoming a success. The groups were led by Distinguished President Kharie Blackwood, Kiwanian Jason Holgate and Kiwanian Danuel Williams and were meant to provide a more intimate space for the boys to speak about these topics and their experiences.
On respect for self and women, the boys spoke about showing respect to all other persons and treating persons in the same manner they would like to be treated. The boys spoke about their feelings when they felt 'disrespected' by others and how they would normally react in those cases. They spoke about how violent reactions do not help to diffuse situations and may make the situations worse. The boys also spoke about showing the women around them respect but spoke about how they respond to being disrespected by women could be violent because of how they are used to reacting. Kiwanian Jason spoke to the boys and explained that violent reactions would not be helpful and would actually escalate the situation. On the topic of success the boys spoke about living up to your abilities and being able to achieve all that you want to. They spoke with DP Kharie about what they thought they were good at and what they would need in order to be successful at these things.
A discussion was had with the boys with regards to goal setting, particular focussed towards careers. The conversation touched on a few topics, including the following: the steps to get to the career one wanted and what one should ensure they do not do to jeopardize their path to their career. The boys were asked what vocation they would want to pursue later on in life, and were given tips to achieve these goals. The group also discussed behaviours necessary to achieve goals and the session was concluded by emphasizing on the importance of self-confidence in one's ability to achieve one's goals.
The boys were then given care packages from the club as well as refreshments. The club is happy to be a part of this initiative and will continue to support.
Prepared by Dir Kris Michael Robinson