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Kiwanians Encourage Youth to Pay It Forward


Updated: Jul 15, 2019

Kingston, Jamaica. Friday, April 26, 2019…With busy lives, it can seem daunting to find time to volunteer. Against this background and in the spirit of Global Youth Service Day (celebrated on April 12-14), the members of the Kiwanis Club of Young Professionals Kingston, Jamaica (KYPKJ), sought to instil the value and share the difference that can be made through volunteerism. The Kiwanians encouraged the students in its weekly Bring Up Grades programme from the Norman Gardens Primary School, on a journey of paying it forward.

The journey took the approximately 20 students on a visit to the Golden Age Home, in St. Andrew, to share with and support the elderly residents and the home. On the occasion, the students presented greeting cards to the residents; which were made by them in a previous session at their school with the assistance of the KYPKJ members. The Kiwanians and students also engaged in conversation, song, prayer and other activities with the members from the home, providing a time of merriment.

With the support of CARI-MED and Kirk Distributors, the group presented care packages and other hygiene products to the manager of the home, for the benefit of the 70 residents. The cluster manager, Claudette Baker, in expressing appreciation said that the supplies will go a long way in ensuring the basic, daily needs of the residents are met adequately.

As a voluntary group, Kiwanians believe that they should engender a culture of volunteerism among the next generation in a bid to improve quality of life and build better communities, and sustain the impact that voluntary organizations make. President of KYPKJ, Naketa West, in underscoring the importance of this initiative stated, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world’; through Kiwanis we do it every day and we encourage others to do the same. We are happy to use an occasion like this to show the children that we serve that they are not too small to pay it forward, through service.”

As a round out to the day’s activities, the students also visited the Hope Zoo; and were admitted on the basis of their environmental contribution of over 800 plastic bottles to the Zoo’s recycle programme.

With the help of the Kiwanis Club of Young Professionals, Kingston these students have been working on improving their literacy levels, attitude and behaviour towards school and peers and are now building the spirit of community by giving back and protecting their environment.

Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) is a coordinated annual event which gathers young people around the world in conducting community service, service learning, and youth voice activities that benefit their communities, their countries, and the world. In 2019, the event marked between April 12 -14.



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